Greetings Programs. Unless you’ve been living under a rock these last few years you know that both movies and video games seem to be jumping on the 3D bandwagon. It seems li
ke every movie released is in 3D and there is even a new 3D handle held coming out The Nintendo 3DS. So what do I think of all this you ask? Well……
Personally I don’t mind 3D. It’s been around longer then what Hollywood might make you think. Remember the old red and blue glasses? Believe it or not this “new” 3D is at heart the same thing and as for the video game world my Sega Master System from the 80’s had 3D standard and it was polarized like how movies are today. Just to give you a little 3D lesson; when you watch a 3D movie at your local movie theatre you get these cheap plastic 3D glasses that are almost like sun glasses. On the screen if you look at it without the glasses it almost looks like there are squiggly lines around the people. When you put the glasses on it polarizes the image and bam 3D. Up in the projection booth there is a screen in front of the projector. If that screen was not there then what would you see, red and blue lines. So as you can see the idea is not very new. It still uses the same principle but in a new way.
A lot of people aren’t fans of 3D because they don’t like to wear the glasses. My response to that is stop your bitching. Waaaaaaahhhh. That’s all I hear. Luckily for these people no glass required tech is in development and the first or at least I think the first commercial product is the 3DS. I preordered the thing and I hope that it’s worth it. Personally I think that 3D has worked better with Video Games then it has with movies. Generally with movies all its doing is adding depth which is great and all but damn it I want things popping out at me. I have 3D on my computer and the cool thing about that is you can customize it the way that you want so I make sure that things are coming out of the screen. Dead Space in 3D is even more frightening let me tell you that.
So what are some problems with 3D? Yes fine the glasses but what else? Well eye sight has something to do with it. Everyone perceives 3D differently. Some people it gives headaches to. Now this has never happened to me but I believe that it can happen since in a way 3D is done by messing with your brain. The other problem is in Hollywood itself. Everyone wanted to jump on this bandwagon so they’ve been using a 3D aftereffect and as you can imagine it makes the 3D horrible. This happened with Clash of the Titans which I didn’t see in 3D but seeing how horrible it was in 2D I can only imagine how terrible it would have been in 3D. The problem with this aftereffect is also the fact that I bet it’s cheaper to use so I can see lazy cheap Hollywood movie makers using the aftereffect more often than the 2 cameras.
Ultimately I’ve been pretty impressed with the 3D so far and it looks like it is getting better. The drawback is the fact that everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. Did you notice that Vampires were cooler when they were only in the media every few years but now that they are the subject of pretty much everything they seem to have lost some edge? Well that’s what I think is happening with 3D. Yes I like it but I also like chocolate and you don’t see me stuffing that in my face with every meal. Not every movie needs to be in 3D and shouldn’t be. Star Wars in 3D is a yes but something like The Smurfs (Don’t get me started on that movie) doesn’t need to be in 3D. So like it or not I think 3D is here to stay at least for a few more years until Holograms become popular. Then we will see all our movies like that but when you boil it down Holograms is just fancy 3D.
I want that dress....for my...sister's...dolls.