No. 5 - Dr. Ashen's POPstation review
A review style that is simple as it is funny, the hands infront of a camera stylings of Dr. Ashens have taught me and the rest of the world that you dont need an expensive PSP to play great games....or not. The Popstation is a rip off of the PSP and shows it has a very limited hardware, and noise that will make your ears bleed. This first video from Dr. Ashens proved how "easy" it was to get a psp. FYI, for a few months after the release of this video, you could find this particular POPstation, i almost bought one just to have, but never did.
No. 4 - Milspecmonkey demo of STRAC FAST System
Keep a few things in mind, when i say my favorite videos on youtube, your going to see some unusual ones as well. This is one of them. Being a huge airsofter, i always try to find gear that could be used for quick advancement and rapid deployment. Milspec Monkey introduced me to the Strac technologies FAST system, a rapid reloading tool for changing magazines. I saw this video, and i wanted it, but not for the price tag for the civilian market, at almost $200. I accepted my plate carrier will not have one on it. I continued to watch videos of government contractors talking about how the unit did not fail them in the sands of Iraq and it is worth the price. One day, a stroke of luck, i found it on ebay for $50 bucks. I do need to shell out some extra cash to match it to my olive dab plate carrier.
No. 3 - Red vs. Blue Grifball PSA: Rules of the Game
The game of kings, how i spent the rest of my night after the Steelers beat my Jets in the AFC championships. I played nothing but matches of Grifball. This video introduced the world to the sport of the distanced future with the cast of Red Vs. Blue going over the basic rules. Theres only one rule in my eyes, hurt the orange one!
No. 2 - Super Genintari (AKA "Leviticus") -- DONE!
I am a huge fan of retrogaming, and this is something i would like to own for myself. They have clones out now that you can play multiple games from the old days on but this introduced me to world of it. Ive seen them at cons and i might buy one this year. So who knows, still a nice concept. I would like to play the pac man game for atari my friend gave me for christmas or the copy of Bebe's Kids for SNES i bought for the sole purpose of getting signed by That Guy with the Glasses, or the copy of Super Mario Bros. 3, the only game in my collection for NES to be known as a perfect game in my eyes.
ITS NO. 1 TIME - Tom Dorr, Myth, Man, Legend
So, why not add a video that i did back in college with one of the better video groups i was a part of (maybe more on the woes of college group work some time soon). This project was a blast to shoot. I had so much fun with it. This was a video bio of my friend Tom who works at Southern Connecticut State University and is the technology guy. I wrote and directed this production, it was my baby, and it was a great feeling to hear the laughter of the class when we presented it and we showed the final scene (fyi, it extended further in early cuts, but we changed it, and we had other examples of that as well, we had Washington crossing the Delaware, Napoleon at the battle of waterloo, and others, but only the final scene made the cut).
There you have it, my top 5 videos ever on youtube, some interesting some "why is this your favorite", well, if you think you have better ones, good for you. these are my personal top 5.
and as always...

I didn't know Tom Dorr had his own video.
ReplyDeleteOh and Dr. Ashens is awesome, I used to watch all of his knock off reviews all the time.
yeah, it was before you came to southern when that video was produced.
ReplyDeleteyes, pat gray did work during it