Greetings programs. I would very much like to say that this is a review or to even say that the film has been green lit but no none of that has happened yet. Instead I’ve decided to put more what I would like to see from this film and things they need to stay away from. This has the potential to be a great film but also the potential to suck hard.
Cast/Characters- Basically this movie is going to a passing of the torch to the new guys and girls. I have no problems with that especially since I believe that most of the originals probably couldn’t fit in there old costumes…..Harold Ramis I’m looking at you. However if you are going to have no people please pick funny ones. There was a rumor about Seth Rogan and Anna Farris. I’m starting to get tired of Rogan and Farris maybe not have a brain in her head so please no. A lot of the new comedians just aren’t funny so it worries me a little bit. Also we want to make sure that these characters are not just the same personalities as the originals. New people new personalities. I want to see Bill Murray play Venkman not some young punk pretending to be him.
Special Effects: Of the many things that worked with the original one of them I thought was the fact that the effects didn’t interfere with the movie. It was a character based movie not an effects movie. Ghostbusters 2 however was an effects movie and I think that’s one of the reasons not may people like it. Its already sounding like this new movie is going to be effects heavy just please please please don’t make it the primary focus of the movie. The characters made the movie funny not the effects.
Don’t forget the game: Ghostbusters the video game was awesome and was written to be canon to the story so please don’t forget that. I think little things from the game should be in the movie and hell maybe even the Rookie should have a cameo. I know that if I see anything that contradicts the game I will be just as pissed as if it contradicted one of the movies.
Too many Ghostbusters: In Dan Aykroyd’s original script Ghostbusters had franchised out and you even get the hint of that in the Video Game. I like the idea but we don’t need a movie where we see tons of these guys going around. Another charm of the first movie I think was the fact that these four were the only ones that were doing this and we saw there story. Yes if ghosts are all over the place then more then one team would logically be needed I’m just saying that like the first movie lets keep this simple. It worked then and it could work now.
Score: Honestly I loved the music in the original movie and could listen to it all the time; one of the reasons I loved the fact it was in the game. The score to the second one was okay but not as good. I think what they should do is try to recreate music that sounds like it’s from the first movie. I hate when they do sequels to movies and don’t bring over themes. Even if it’s a new composer they should at least try to keep musical consistency.
Make it funny!!: Okay I know everyone’s going well duh but I’ve read too many GB comics and that were good but not funny. Overall this is a comedy and I want to laugh. I want to laugh at funny jokes not stupid Seth Rogan jokes I’ve heard a million times. Ghostbusters has a certain tone and that tone should not go away. This should feel like Ghostbusters 3 and not some new teen movie with idiot actors that wouldn’t know if something was funny if can up and laughed in there face. No corny jokes either. In the original GB 3 script the villain was named Luci S. Fer. Get it? Yeah it’s a dumb joke.
I think all together the demands I’ve made are not hard ones. I really would like to see this movie do well and get cool merchandise to go along with it. The original is still considered one of the best comedies of all time and the last thing it needs is another movie to destroy its good name. (Just for the record I don’t mind GB 2 but I understand why people don’t like it) So hopefully in the end we won’t be saying “Who you gonna call…..someone else”
"We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!"
Who ya gonna call?!
ReplyDeleteI guess that Blade guy. He would definitely get rid of them.
I was thinking Batman, he can catch anyone!