Hey cosplayers, convention goers, anime freaks, addicted gamers, and...random people who just go (not the awkward parents, we try not to talk to those); Your World in Hard Copy is going convention travelling this year!
Duke and hardcopy will be at Anime Boston this year and Connecticon. Although we won't have anything huge like a booth and such, Vlog of Awesome and Your World in Hard Copy will be doing convention coverage. Reminding all of you, if you are interested in any good conventions in the New England area, Anime Boston (this year April 22-24) at Hynes Convention Center and ConnectiCon July 9-11 at the Hartford Convention Center are our suggestions along with a few other locations such as Anime Next and Otakon.
Port 2 is currently hammering out some details about the convention schedule, photo albums, and video coverage at this time along with any other possible conventions being attended this convention season.
We will be planning on getting a Flickr account ready for pictures at conventions to post online, and if any of you are subject to our photos, we will hand you information to our URLS. Happy camping.
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