I just recently read an article on Yahoo about the most popular items given as gifts for Christmas by year. I actually was shocked that IPad, which is clearly a piece of crap, made top best seller for 2010. My burning question is not why IPad but why do you PEOPLE HAVE TO KEEP BUYING THESE TERRIBLE PIECES OF BATSHIT?!
There must be something I'm missing here because I have actually seen these things and I find them no better than a laptop. All it is...is an IPhone. The only "cool" thing I saw it do was attach to a keyboard because the screen isn't big enough for people to rest all their fingers on.
Whatever the case may be for wanting to buy one of these is just a waste of time. You can easily find another solution.
"What if I want to have the convenience of having an appliance that can keep all my records and documents without having to lug around my laptop?"
If you ask this question, there is something seriously wrong with what makes you think this thing is more convenient to carry around rather than a laptop. I'd rather put my laptop or netbook in my backpack and also have other things to carry around in there so it's all in one luggage versus trying to carry something that doesn't even have it's own carrying case.
I truly think that Mac has made the IPad this size so you have to carry it in one hand to flash their logo at everyone who sees you. Some people might think you are cool walking around with an expensive appliance, which can easily be stolen because you don't want to have a carrying case for it and keep it in your hand at all times on the subway. I, and many other people, think you look like a Mac-tard.
"But it handles like an IPhone, which was a successful product."
Well the thing with the IPhone is that it's a phone trying to be a phone not a phone trying to be a computer. The IPhone was very successful, and even if I do not like Apple products, I will say that the IPhone and newer IPods were very well developed. But those are hand held objects that shouldn't take so much knowledge to know how to use. Computers should be handled with a certain amount of knowledge about the particular computer. And because the IPad is just a huge version of the IPhone, it's still not a computer. At least get a laptop. It holds more and does more than this...tablet thing. See? Its associated name isn't even a cozy small object. They just call it a tablet. Like Egyptian cravings in slab of cement tablet.
I just wanted to keep this brief so I'm just going to stop here. But before I leave, let me remind you that there are other things that you can get instead of a slab of unworthy crap. Just...stop it. Stop buying this thing. Get a real computer or upgrade the one you have now. You'll be better off.
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