The demo was just released on the Playstation Network, and it managed to make itself more adorable than the previous Little Big Planet. When the first game came out about a year ago, it was giving Playstation nerds so much buzz. Why? Instead of this being one of the first award winning games on the PS3, the innovation was fun and creative. But when you actually purchase this game and play it instead of just watching trailers or your other friends watch it, it's a lot bigger than you think it is.
Not only are you able to run through platforming fun with your friends or by yourself, you can customize your Sackboy or Sackgirl to look any way you want, and you can also collect, use stickers, and decorate your POD. The graphics are amazing, and in the new demo it doesn't fall short of what you are expecting. But because the bar for the first game was raised so high, would the second be just as good?
In the demo you can view trailers, network, and go through three levels. But these three levels aren't the standard platforming levels in the first game. In these levels you are already faced with a few different elements in the game. You are also offered stickers to collect and parts to customize your Sackboy although they are limited.
The first level lets you try out the grappling hook. The physics can be a little confusing at first, but once you master how to use whatever is available in the environment, then you can zoom through the level no problem.
In the second level you meet the craziest bastard who created three different animal robots for you to use in the level. All robots are dispensed at the checkpoints and they have their own health bar. When you reach a checkpoint with the robot, health is replenished. The rabbit robot can only jump to move but uses a power slam attack. The dog walks, jumps not as high or far as the rabbit, and has a sonic bark to push things. The hamster just rolls like Sonic, and you can make it roll faster with a turbo boost you can use at any time.
Finally the last level is the online portion or you can use another controller. You fly around this battle royal (four players per stage) arena and shoot shit at each other. Personally I didn't download the demo for this, but that's because I'm a platforming whore.
From what I got from the demo itself, I was able to muster the idea that more innovation will be the main theme in this game. But a huge amount of gamers usually hover around the custom made level section network of the game, and I wouldn't imagine it to be any different except with the ability to add more things to each level.
You will find the demo to be fun, but it doesn't offer that much. Still of you want to check it out and get hyped up about the game, I suggest downloading it to see if what the hell I was talking about makes sense. Hopefully this game will hold a candle, but in the mean time I'm just going to have to wait and see.
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