This goes without saying, that i believe that one of the most gifted actors of our current generation has to be none other than Robert Downey Jr. There really isn't any actor in my mind who can do what he does movie after movie and still keeps me wanting more. This obsession of Downy Jr can come from the first movie of his that really caught my eye, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Brief synopsis (from IMDB.com):
High-strung father-to-be Peter Highman is forced to hitch a ride with aspiring actor Ethan Tremblay on a road trip in order to make it to his child's birth on time.
Now, Ill try to keep this as spoiler free as i can, for those of us who have not seen it yet.
The Stars: Robert Downey Jr and Zach Galifianakis

- The chemistry between these two actors shines, with every moment they are together. Galifianakis is truely funny, and a great follow up to The Hangover, which is a great thing for those who are fans of that movie. I believe that more smartly written roles are just what he needs to really get over the bad movies of the past (ahem..Up in the Air..yes i know his role was short, but its typecasting at its finest). Downey Jr delivers another stellar performance as a father away from his pregnant wife who just wants to get there in time for the birth. Keeping that sharp wit of his from Iron Man, with the spastic moments he did in Kiss Kiss.., was enough to keep me entertained.
The Stars: ****
The Acting:

- As i said before, the wit and charm of both actors kept this movie entertaining for me. Both actors have a huge screen presents and its good to see them come alive to their own on screen. Both showing frustration throughout the film, but very believable, its a plus to be sucked into the film and forget that it is a movie your watching, and have it seem like a real life situation. As my girlfriend stated, a curtain scene should have been the end but after all, it is a movie and it couldn't have been any better if they did go the route it could have taken. There are scenes that go on a little longer than they should but that is the downside to all movies that have to put some exposition into it.
The Acting: *** 1/2
- Due Date delivers fun and wit that only smart comedies can deliver. It was not one of those "oh lets put the current fads into the movie, everyone will laugh at them!" type of movies, but was one of the comedies that actually took its time and did not put much trends into it, also this meant it was not dated with jokes that would only make sense to those who are living in our time, like a Weekend Update sketch on SNL. I only hope Hollywood gives us more of these and less Vampires Suck.
I give this movie 3.5 out of 4 and gets my:

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