I haven't been to many conventions over my short con career, but i have been to enough to see the ins and outs of them. Some can be very fun while others can be bad. I have yet to be to a convention i really didn't have a good time at.
In 2008, i attended my very first anime convention, AnimeNEXT in New Jersey. I have never been to one or know what to expect from the convention other than it was the first time ever i have done a costume for one. I have been going to Renaissance faires for a good part of my life, never dressed up for them either. The sight of people dressed up, taking photos and conversing about the convention center gave me a new understanding to the cosplay world. I was a rookie cosplayer, having only a Solid Snake cosplay from Metal Gear Solid 2, which doubled as my Super Smash Bros. Brawl cosplay so i could join up with friends for our massive SSBB group.
Since then, i have been hooked. Its been a blast meeting people from all over the north east as well as from other parts of the east coast. The cosplay scene around here are some of the best i have seen.
This brings to mind the concept of "e-famous cosplayers". I have never considered myself "e-famous" or even remotely famous by any means, i am known for my cosplays and i am always willing to give advice to those who seek it on curtain things regarding a series or costume someone in one of my preferred series. To me, the "e-famous" cosplayer could be one of two things, 1. stuck up or 2. grateful. Lucky for me, i have not met any really stuck up cosplayers. The ones i have met have been really appresative and also very willing to help, which is what i always try to be. I know they do exist, but for the time being i have yet to encounter any.
Which brings me to my guide to convention goers:
The Underage
The Creepers
You see them everywhere, from online forums to websites. Creepers make everything ten times worst. With me getting up in age, i try not to be creepy to those around me. Many people i meet at cons are under the age of 18 too, and i dont want to go down on the internet as a creepy old man. Being 26, i like to consider myself a older brother figure to them. I never went to a con to meet girls or try to hook up. I go to have fun, but the creepers ruin all the fun, much like this one guy on the train at Halloween time i saw(different scenario, same effect).
The Super Serious
These ultra serious people are critical to every little detail, and would often criticizing a persons cosplay for the littlest thing. I can be overly critical of other Snake cosplayers being that i have done them in the past and i know what goes into making one. These are people who look on, not even in costumes their selves and judge. The ones who told me i wasnt Snake unless i had a box, or the ones who said online i was not Big Boss but Naked Snake (while technically they are correct, i am also correct because he will become Big Boss, i just dislike the name Naked Snake).
I know there are plenty more types, but i think that should do it for now.
Screw those super serious people man. You don't need to get crazy angry over something that isn't that much of a big deal.