10. Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)
I was born into a Star Trek family, my parents watched the original series when it was on and made me watch the movies that followed it. As i got older, i would watch the Next Generation and it was the first star trek series i watched. I still consider it to be the best of the best when it comes to the series as a whole. I love every minute of it.
9. Seinfeld (1989)
As with Star Trek, i was born into the world of the show about nothing. This show was funny, and was nothing like anything ive seen before. I cant say anything else about it, but it is good it ended when it did or it could end up like simpsons.
8. Ren and Stimpy (1991)
With many shows of the 90s, there was a bit of controlled gross out humor. I wonder how and why my mother let me watch this show as a kid. I asked her sometime ago, she simply said, she liked it too. Whats not to love about this show, i mean really. It was funny, it was silly, and it was a point of my life when i was discovering amazing shows.
7. Mystery Science Theater 3k (1988)
I started to watch this show in the mid 90s, when i discovered it one saturday morning on the Sci Fi channel. I love the movies in this show and i would always watch it even without the riffs. The characters were likable and funny too. Some of my favorite jokes were from this show.
6. Legends of the Hidden Temple (1993)
Made in the middle of the great game shows of 90s Nick, this show was one of a few shows i always wanted to be on. I dont think it can ever be replicated in the way it was made. If they remade it, ill give it one episode, if it fails, i wont watch it. This would be the test of the lifetime. I cant watch much of 90s tv now, mainly because it reminds me of how old i am, but with this show, i dont care.
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