I'm not talking about video game related movies; I'm talking board game related movies. Battleship huh? Really? Are we really going to take a step in that direction? I mean there are thousands of books that could be made into great movies, but I guess board games are way better.
So yes this is not a lie. If you haven't heard already (it was all over the Internet news sites), Battleship is going to be a movie. Great idea, Hollywood. But honestly even though many are upset over this, we have no idea if this will be a hit or not. But I swear to God, if I hear "You sunk my battleship!" anywhere in this movie, I'm going to strangle the nearest person sitting next to me.
But another movie that is also looking as a board game rip off is Real Steel, which many believe to be a version of Rock Em Sock Em Robots. Now I can sort of see why toy/game movies are starting to become a norm now. If you think back to the announcement of Transformers, people laughed in Bay's face. But after just a week of that movie being out, it was a HUGE blockbuster. And it also spawned to "successful" sequels (successful in quotation marks because some will argue).
However, Transformers was also a show not just a line of toys made. These other movies; no television shows at all. So these game movies...it could be a waste of money. Or the best idea ever.
But I'd like the differ.
i can only hope Liam Neeson says "e-5....i sunk your battle ship!" and CREDITS!