Monday, April 25, 2011

Operation: Midnight Ride - Mission Complete (Anime Boston '11 rundown)

Overview: Anime Boston '11 was this past weekend and it was a lot of fun, meeting up with people, seeing people from other cons ive been to, going to photoshoots/gatherings and doing whatever comes to mind. This was my first time at AB, and i found it to be good, but also kinda frustrating at times but that goes with any con, so you just need to make the most of it. The size took me by shock, being the biggest con in the north east, it was really something to see. The con center architecture was interesting as well with corridors and locations to make anyone looking for a place to do a photoshoot a place to do anything.

Gatherings: The Metal Gear gathering on friday was a lot of fun and something i havent really done in a few cons. Our location for the shoot was good but it was a bit breezy, but made shots with my bandanna floating great. Resident Evil gatherings up the wazoo were amazing. I didnt go to a few due to lack of time or not feeling it, but i still had a good time at the ones i did go to. Doctor Who gathering was the most fun for me as it was the first time i met a large amount of people who were also into the series as much as i was, made things great for me.

The Con Goers: Like many cons, this one had its share of annoying types as well as the ones who were alright. I dont think i found any problems with the people in the con at all. I found many if not all of them to be respectful and light hearted. I didnt feel unwelcome by anyone and those i hung out with were great. It really made the con for me as a whole.

Con Center: As i mentioned before, this place was not what i expected it to be, its like the center of a mall like structure that comes from four different wings. Entirely indoors, and much like the hotel i stayed at for Otakon '09 had a indoor breeze way from mall to hotel.

Offical Con Score: A- for great times, good friends and large amount of things to do

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