Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Originality in Movies/Video Games?
Anyway makes you think about how many original movie ideas there actually are in the world today. Lately we just been getting remakes, book to movie interpretations, or reboots (same damn movie, better graphics, or in 3D). I would also give the same idea for video games, too. A lot of the times there is a reboot of a series, some sequel of a successful older game, or a very similar theme and gameplay. The only original game I have played recently was probably Infamous.
But originality isn't fully lost on us. Books are probably the only entertainment media going on right now that have plenty of original plots along with a few TV series. But TV series are very interesting because we go through themes; the theme this time are detective, homicide crime solving mysteries.
I would personally love to see more original movies and possibly series spawning from these original movies. But most importantly I really want to see more original games being made. Sure I'll go get Devil May Cry and Tomb Raider, but if those are the only games I'm getting excited for, then I'll have to wait a long time to get my hands on them.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Gimmick is the New Innovation
Greetings Programs. Okay do you want to know what really grinds my gears? It’s the word gimmick. For some reason now every time something new comes around that’s even remotely cool it’s called a gimmick. I’m hearing this word tossed around mostly when it comes to video games and that’s why it’s starting to piss me off more then anything. I’m tired of reviewers saying that they’re worried something is more a gimmick then anything else. It seems like this gimmick revolution came about when the Wii came out with the motion controls. A new controller is not a gimmick. Let’s take a look shall we?
Okay so we go from NES to SNES and low and behold we have a new controller, one of the best controllers I might add, as well as 16-bit graphics. Did anyone say “I hope having four buttons and two shoulder buttons isn’t just a gimmick.” No! They said that’s fricken awesome! No one thought that the Rumble Pack or Dual Shock was a gimmick. So what was so different about the new things back then that they are called innovation and now they are simply called a gimmick?
What it seems like to me mainly is the video game press attacking Nintendo. Yes I do hear the word gimmick thrown out to Sony and Mircosoft on occasion but it seems to really be poor Nintendo that’s getting hit the most. What did they really want the Wii and DS successor to be? New graphics alone are boring. Sorry but Sony and Microsoft are examples of this. When I first got the PS3 the graphics didn’t impress me. They since have gotten better but they were just updated PS2 graphics. Even now with better graphics if you look at the way you play games on a basic PS3 and X-Box 360 (This is minus Move and Kinect) it really hasn’t changed in the last few generations. Game play on the PS3 is identical to the original PSX. The controller hasn’t even changed. X-Box and X-Box 360 are the same other then graphics. BORING!
So to me a gimmick is something that really doesn’t add or change the experience. So for example collector editions (which I do give into by the way) are gimmicks. They are a way to get you to buy the game without really adding to the game play. I mean the Batarang is nice but had I thrown that at my TV I’m sure one or both would have broken. This means the flip side, innovation, adds to the game play or the experience in someway. 3D, whether you like it or not….Hard Copy…ahem…adds to the experience and game play. The crazy tablet controller for the Wii U will add to the experience and if done well can make for one crazy gaming experience.
Overall what I’m trying to say is we really need to stop using the word gimmick when something new happens. If this keeps up then we’ll never get anything new. New is not always bad. The Wii U controller is innovative not gimmicky. The PS Vita is a new way of playing portable games and now just some gimmick to get people to buy there system. The Kinect is…..well just pointless.
End of Line
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Awesome Games in the 21st Century: No More Heroes (PS3 and XBox)
The demo consisted of short introduction, long ass tutorial, and the first kill level.
The controls for the Move system worked out well. I would highly suggest using this with the two Move controllers instead of using just a regular controller for a secondary because it felt awkward. It was like having a very easy to use control and having to navigate with something that I had to lay in my lap because it's too tiresome for just one hand. Yeah yeah sexual joke, but just proves that it was annoying. The only buttons you really need on the regular controller regardless are just whatever is on the left side. (deep breath) And that's really the best way I can describe this.
Other than that discomfort, there really isn't anything else to complain about. The controls work well and aren't overly sensitive or not sensitive enough. Not being used to motion sensing engines, I did find myself waving the controller around way too much in the beginning, but with all the crap I had to do, it pretty much worked out. Charging up was a little weird, for some reason I had to really jerk that thing off harder than I think humanly possible.
The camera seemed to bug out here and there, but focusing on an enemy really did save the day and a lot of damage. The final boss, though I understand was a first level, was actually a fun and trying experience. Granted that I did play on Sweet, I think this would be somewhat challenging if I choose to play the full version, which I'm considering.
I'm sure many will argue that the original version is better, but the combat system is fun, I love the sound effects, the voice acting is fantastic, and overall I think the transition to the Move engine worked out very well. Along with Catherine, I'm considering getting No More Heroes. It's a good break from Infamous.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The Secret Origin of The Duke!